うつみさとる ニコニコ生放送(YouTube)ネット演説(和英対訳)

































Hello Tokyo and the world. My name is Satoru Utsumi, a candidate for Governor of Tokyo. I thought I would be doing a political interview at my desk today, so I hope you will forgive me if I am reading from a manuscript as I make my political interview.

I have been a doctor, a business owner, and an author, and I have published over 60 books. I may not need to run for the Tokyo gubernatorial election, which is a major political event. However, I decided to run because I believe that the situation in Japan and Tokyo is so desperate that neither conservative politicians nor communist politicians deserve any credibility.

What is hopeless? It is that all politics in Japan is now conducted for the benefit of foreign companies, foreign investors, and those in power, with all the money dripping down the drain to put the Japanese people in the lowest possible position.

It is no longer an exaggeration to say that it is a slave system, and politics is being conducted in Tokyo as well.
Within Japan, immigration has drastically increased, crime and trouble have drastically increased, taxes have increased, and the yen has weakened, making life difficult for the people. Land and seeds all over Japan are being bought up along with real estate, and many small businesses are going bankrupt. The Seeds and Seedlings Law has been revised to restrict private collection, the water supply has been sold to foreign companies, fishing cooperatives have been purchased by foreign companies, national forests are managed by foreign companies, mega solar power plants are cutting down mountains, and your renewable energy levy is being drained away.

My number card, which cannot be used, is forcibly integrated with the insurance card, food safety is threatened, insect eating is promoted, and on the other hand, there is no support for agriculture and livestock farming. It has gotten so bad that homemade pickles are not allowed to be sold.

Turning to Tokyo, half of Tokyo Metro’s shares will be sold by 2027, NTT will be sold 1/3 of its shares, and Tokyo’s water, sewage, and public housing are being promoted as half public and half privatized, to be run by foreign-owned companies.

The cutting down of the rows of trees at Jingu Shrine and the GLP Akishima development issue are also related to foreign companies and construction companies, and are not measures for the people of Tokyo.

The number of teachers in Tokyo schools has decreased, and bullying and truancy are dramatically increasing. The super city policy, attracting new companies, and the money that drips into it is $1 billion in 5 years. Just putting that money into small businesses in Tokyo will save a lot of businesses.

Crematoriums in Tokyo have also become overcrowded, foreign investment has entered the market, service has deteriorated, and fees have gone up.

It was reported that due to the relaxation of specific skills, from the spring of 2023, welfare for foreigners will also be at a record high, and in Arakawa, even if a Chinese woman gives birth in China, the Japanese will pay 420,000 yen for the lump-sum birth allowance. Including the child allowance, a model is clearly in place to deprive Tokyo residents of their money.

Then the foreign carrot government was debated and just barely rejected in Musashino City, but they tried to give foreigners the right to vote just after they had lived there for 3 months.

Four years after the corona fiasco, the world now reports that the corona mask vaccine was a gigantic fraud. Anthony Fauci, the head of the world’s infectious disease administration, was denounced by the U.S. Congress as a mass murderer and made headlines around the world.

In Japan, there was no such coverage, TV and newspapers covered everything up, vaccine victims were left behind, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has a business alliance with Pfizer, a foreign pharmaceutical company.

Musashimurayama City is even testing for the Ebola virus in a residential area.

What in the world is Japan and Tokyo doing?
It is to thoroughly deprive the people of Tokyo of their assets, taxes, land, companies, and rights.

No matter how mild-mannered the Japanese people are, it would be strange if they were not already outraged. But the Japanese people, and the people of Tokyo, have been living in a state of apathy and resignation toward politics for so long.

They think that the minority is oppressed and that it is useless to vote anywhere, that they have no choice but to join the lying ruling party or the opposition parties.

But the truth is, this is not true. I believe that there still remains in the Japanese people the spirit of harmony and bushido, the power to love one’s family, to protect the weak, to reject lies, and to love nature. Even if it is an illusion, I believe that in 10 or 20 years time, the seeds will sprout and such ideas that Japan has had since the earliest times will be revived.

If everyone in the world thinks the same way, we may all be brothers.
I have always been a recluse in my thinking and have lived my life thinking that mankind is a trivial creature that has no value and does nothing but destroy and lie. But even I had a wife and children, and a casual word my child said to me made me human again.
I thought that in order to repay that debt, I must fight through all the powers on earth, no matter who they are. I believe this is the spirit of Bushido.

I would like to appeal to the people of the world. No one wants war or injustice. We all just don’t want to lose something and are forced to do so because we are afraid. There may not be an ideal way out there. But I believe that we should be able to share that feeling.

Tokyo will reach an important turning point in July. Even if it ends in failure, I believe that a seed will always be planted in people’s hearts.

The real theme of this Tokyo gubernatorial election is not the merits or demerits of the boring, disorganized policies, but the battle between the 99.9% of the common people and the 1% of vested interests, foreign corporations, the Keidanren, some investors, and the politicians who are sucking on their sweet juices. It is a battle between the 99.9% of the public and the 1% of vested interests, foreign corporations, the Keidanren, some investors, and politicians who are sucking the sweet juice. I ran for office because I wanted to do something about it.

So, you may call it a performance, but if I am elected, I would be willing to take one yen as my salary. I would be happy if you could apply the difference to subsidize those in need.

We live in an era that is too totalitarian, too oppressive, and too cleverly camouflaged. I ran for office because I want to stop all the problems I have mentioned, even if only a little.

I believe this is the same as protecting not only yourself, but also your family and friends. I want to continue fighting to prevent the worst political situation and betrayal of the country.

If there is anyone who shares this desire, I would be very grateful if you could give me, Satoru Utsumi, your support, your one vote, and your personal connections and relationships with other people.

Thank you all for your kind attention.


■うつみさとる 政見放送
うつみさとる 政見放送(NHK総合)テキスト書き起こし版

<動画>NHK政見放送 東京都知事候補者 市民がつくる政治の会【東京都知事選】

うつみさとる 政見放送(TOKYO MX)書き起こし版【英訳付】

うつみさとる ニコニコ生放送(YouTube)ネット演説(和英対訳)